Monday, August 16, 2010

Puddle Plodder or Puddle Jumper?

This morning I implemented my devotional time.  I am using the Women of Faith book "Contagious Joy".  One of the first pages of this morning's reading presented this question: "Are you a Puddle Plodder or a Puddle Jumper"?  In other words, when the storms of life are raining down around me, do I plod through with a bad attitude, or jump in the puddles and choose joy despite being wet with rain and troubles?  I know my answer: I'm definitely a plodder.  If there is any sort of way to complain, I'm going to do it!  So today is where the change begins.  I'm going to strive to be a puddle jumper!  Despite what may be happening around me, I'm going to do my best to choose joy. I have to be honest:  I'm afraid of this admission and goal.  Will God test me through this?  What will I have to endure to learn to be joyful?  It's an incredibly terrifying test, and I soon could be eating my words.  Psalm 30:5 states "weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning".  I think this means that our pain and suffering is temporary.  I've often heard the joke of people quoting from scripture "And it came to pass".  They use it as a promise that whatever strife we're going through, it too will pass.  So here we go! We're jumping in!!
I only lost 8 ounces for my first week of weight loss.  BUT I didn't exercise, I didn't drink enough water, and my eating was less than great.  So I KNOW I can do better this week.  I'm going to dedicate myself to at least 8 glasses of water today, going to plan out my week of meals so I'm not tempted to order out, and going to at least go for a brisk walk today (I'm recovering from a nasty cold).
Anyone else on a new journey? Weight loss or organization?  Spiritual or physical?  Ready to jump with me?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sabrina! I think I needed to hear this today. I've been discouraged.....but I love that verse from Psalms... I have got to remember that that next time I'm hanging my head in the toilet! I know I will forget all about this morning sickness that first time I hold my precious baby in my arms. Thanks for the reminder today.

